Monday, August 11, 2008

Woohoo! Drums here I come!

Yeah! Title says it all! I played drums during the weekend for 3rd service, and man did I enjoy it! Haha.. Totally different from playing guitar and bass guitar. Yeah, and the drum set is different too, compared to the one in Kampar. Heh. No offense. I simply have no idea why am I SSing here. Never mind.

Weekend - so so. Liverpool got a last minute victory against Lazio via Andriy Voronin's goal. Went back tired, having not enough sleep from the previous night. Wasted the entire day, except for the time in church. Went back after that, and slept for two hours! My goodness! Worst of all, I did not feel like waking up! Man, real tough it was to push myself. Did it in the end though. However, I still end up not doing anything. zZz

Sunday came. Led worship for prayer. Ahh.. Then played drums! haha.. Still SSing. I don't know why. Went back, and slept again! For the same amount of time! Goodness! After waking up, as I have to prepare to go back, it was only then I realise I was sick - AGAIN. Damn. That's the last thing I need. Though it's not cough this time - it's flu - but still.. It's getting sick. Ish.

Today's story will be posted in a different post.


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