Campus Connects’ S + URGE Camp 2008
I was one of the four group leaders for this camp, along with MJ, Shirley and Robert, and as being one of the group leaders, I had to go back to Kampar on Monday even though the camp is on Wednesday, reason being having to prepare for the camp. Followed PC and KL back, who went and picked up MJ as well, as she was also in Ipoh at that time. Planning for the camp started that night.
Before that, I met Master, and man, he was in a terrible mess. Apparently he met an accident before making his way to Kampar, and believe you me, he rode all the way here with the injuries he sustained during the accident. RODE ALL THE WAY. Four hour journey from Kuala Lumpur, with all that pain. Yet I praise God he managed to make it. Shows how much he wants to come for the camp. KL then took him to the government hospital, while PC and the four of us went ahead with the planning.
Planning went well, with each of us being given our specific groups and task of what we are to do during the camp. We were also to be worship leaders during the camp for the four sessions, which will mean each of us taking a session.
Tuesday came, and we had to prepare everything that we have planned. Not only that, we also had to choose songs to lead. So the whole of Tuesday was taken to prepare for the camp. It was fun. Totally fun. I wouldn’t go into detail of the preparation, but to sum it up, it was fun. XD
There were also side jobs. Due to Masters’ injury, in which he hurt his left leg, and having bruises on that leg, both his arms, and also his chin, me and Jack watched over him: bathe him, help him with the mini-mini things.. Well, our place became a hotel cum hospital for that day. Ahhaha, no sweat Master.
Day 1
Day 1 of camp finally came, Wednesday that is. Woke up at about 8 plus in the morning, and packed up to leave for Campus Connect. The campers were to meet at 9.30, and once all were there, PC gave a briefing. There were only about 20 ++ of us. Kind of small, compared to the previous camp. I can even name the 20 odd people : Angelina, Jessie, Richard, Robert, John, Mike, Jack, MJ, Shirley, Irena, Anthony, Sam, Alex, Joycelin, Mun Kien, Justin, Steven, PC, KL, Mr.Tan, and of course, yours truly.
Departed for Beautiful Gates Education Centre for a gotong-royong first. We were then separated to clean-up specific areas. Duties given to us: wipe the fan, sweep the porch, and also sweep and mop the floor inside as well. They also asked us to help clean their van. It was fun as well. It was so much fun that we even decided to clean the owner’s car, who happened to be a pastor as well, her name being Rachel. Master was our camera man for that day as he couldn’t even walk. After cleaning, MAKAN TIME! Man, I don’t know about the rest, but I was SUPER HUNGRY. Next destination – Harvest Haven.
Arrived at the camp site at about 2 plus in the afternoon. Checked in, and went to our respective rooms. Man, it was air-conditioned, and it had double-decker bed as well. My roommates were Jack and his brother Koon Eu. After settling in, we met at the hall for another briefing, this time on what the respective groups were assigned to do.
The things we were to prepare for is to be used during our visit to the Ladang MCare (Malaysian Care). During this visitation, we were to give the orang asli kids a time of lesson of God’s Word. My group was to prepare the songs for them to sing during that time, so we wrote the song lyrics on majong papers, and even decorate it. We manage to finish it, but there was something else we needed to do as well. We needed to learn the actions of the songs chosen. There wasn’t time though, so the learning of it was postponed to the following day.
Played basketball after that (Harvest Haven has a basketball court and a swimming pool. Cool.) Haven’t played it for a while. Bathe, then dinner time.
Like all other camp sites, this camp site is no different, in providing food that is. It was wonderful and delicious. =D Well, perhaps I was hungry. Well, no matter. First session came.
I led worship during that session, and after that Ps. Kenneth came on to speak his word. Whatever the message that he preached, I will post it in another blog. After his message, there was a time of prayer, where all of us just dwell in the presence of God, speaking in-tongues. It was wonderful. God filled the hall that night. I rarely experience this kind of thing, so to experience it for the first time since goodness know when, I’m speechless. Praise God! Had a mini practice session with MJ for her leading of worship the next session, which was the following morning.
Lights out.
Day 2
Started the morning with devotion. Did not sleep well the previous night, due to “alarm clocks”. XD Anyway, had breakfast after that, and the 2nd session came. We then had a bit of time to learn up the actions for the songs later. After that, next destination – Ladang MCare.
Departed at about 1 plus, and arrived about an hour later. Brother Liang Sun (don’t know whether it’s spelled correctly =P), who was in charge of that place, introduced us a bit to Ladang MCare, and after that, the programmes begun. we played games with them, sang the song with them, told them the story of Noah’s Ark, and finally, had a colouring session with them. It was fun as well, being with all these kids. When you let yourself have fun, it’s really fun. Umm.
WATERFALL was next! Haha. After finishing up everything, we went to the waterfall nearby to have a dip. Although we did not enjoyed it as we did in the previous camp (the previous camp, we were in the waterfall for about two hours, this time, about 15-20 minutes), still, it was something to savour. Went back to the camp site after that. Tired
Arrived at about 7 plus, and by that time, we were a little bit behind schedule. However, one thing about camps – the timetable is always very flexible. Praise God though, we still managed to make it in time. Had a practice session with Robert this time. Master and Jack was there as well, so for a moment, we sang like “Voice II Men”. Heh. Next session begun. It was yet another good session. =D
After the session, I planned to had a proper rest, but I ended up not having it – well, because I chose not to. It’s CAMP. Ish. Had a practice session with Shirley this time, and after that went and prepare for next morning’s devotion. During that time, also had a good time of chatting with others, and a good time of laughter as well. MJ was that night’s entertainer, sending us into fits when she went crazy. XP A group of them played 21 dots, and “cho-dee”ed as well. Ahhaha. Ended up sleeping at about one plus.
Day 3
The last day of the camp finally came. Kind of sad, but well, things that start has to end sooner or later and one way or another. Had our last session with Ps. Kenneth, and packed. Also had our final lunch there, and my group was to do the cleaning up. Well, took tons of photos in the end, even though it rained, and finally said goodbye to Harvest haven. Thanks for having us! It’s a nice place! Went back to Ipoh after that.
A few PS :
1) Harvest Haven has many rules which campers have to follow, one of them being having to make our own bed after the last night of sleeping there. As there is no room service, campers have to change the blanket and bedsheet before they leave the camp site. That was also “part of the packing”.
2) I played guitar for all the sessions, including the session in the Ladang MCare. =D
Well, that’s all there is to the camp. It was a great camp, being able to experience the Presence of God, and being filled by and with the Holy Spirit. The best part of this camp is, there are no game points to focus on, meaning competition. If you still don’t understand, just ask me. So it was kind of a stress free camp, mainly just doing outreach work. Cool. Perhaps all camps should be like this. Well, kind of depends. Anyway, to those who went, God bless all of you, and it’s nice to get to know you people better! Continue to S + URGE in God! Amen.
Photos will come out soon I hope. ME leading worship, with MJ as backup..
Housemates 4eva! Kakuzu and Hidan
Her Highness and ME.. lolxx
Double vainess.. =)
Triple vainess? lolxx.. This time with Her Highness..
Voice ll Men of Campus Connect - Kakuzu, Master, Hidan and Birdz