Monday, June 29, 2009


I accidently sunk a pendrive
Into the washing machine
Praise God
It still works


Unknown said...

LOL, the USB port of my favorite "mouse" sunk into the water too, then I dare not use it for few days.
Praise God it still works like a charm right now xD

Damselette said...

sunk? sunk is not an appopriate word to be used for pendrive. you can use drop. fell.

=) since when guys use

'i heart something'


GeneGoh said...

To Meli: I used the word "sunk" because the pendrive was inside me jeans, so yeah...

Kekeke... Why not? No one said it's a girl lamguage ;)

Damselette said...

ok. ok. i got the message you're sending. I'll back off. haha

adeline wok said...

i heart durians too!! GG.. hahah