Thursday, June 18, 2009


They swim against the current
Using their God-given ability
To go UP waterfalls
And for what?
To mate and lay eggs?
They do not know
What awaits them up there
A hungry bear
Waiting to pounce
Or any other predator at all
Waiting to feed on them
Yet despite knowing this
They STILL wouldn't give up
'Cause they know
That if they make it
It will be worth while



Chew Shu Yi, Shirley said...

Don't you just admire them for that?

Purresque said...

its salmon not sardine

GeneGoh said...

Sorry AdrianY.. Correction made.. Thanks!

GeneGoh said...

To ShuYi: Yeah I do, and that's why they deserve a place in my blog. Lolx

Chew Shu Yi, Shirley said...

Hehe... =.=" yea.