Sunday, June 7, 2009

Need For Speed

Riding on a normal road is fun, but riding on the highway is an undescribable BLISS.

Or at least, that's what it is to me.

Many say that riding a motor is a dangerous business; you're so vulnerable to your surroundings: Nature, vehicles around you etc. Even sometimes when you take it safe, it can prove fatal. For me, I just enjoy it. I don't know why, but I do.

Especially on the highway.

Highway gives you the chance to ride your ass out, and although there is no chance to compete against most vehicles on the road, you'll get the last laugh when it comes to traffic jam. Here are the pros and cons.

1. You may not be able to be a Ghost Rider, but you still can enjoy the speed. In a vehicle, you can't feel it unless you are driving at a high speed. On a motorbike, 80 km/h is enough.
2. You get to overtake many vehicles during traffic jams, and depending on how bad it is, you could go way ahead of them. Don't try racing with them during normal conditions though, unless you have a super bike (like Batman? Lol)

1. Your ass hurts worse than sitting in a lecture hall listening to class, or during an examination. Seriously it does. Guess it's because you're sitting directly below the engine, so throughout the whole journey, it vibrates your ass.
2. At the same time, after the journey, you would feel that your body doesn't belong to you. Your entire blood stream will be rushing all over, and even though you wouldn't get pins-and-needles surprisingly, you'd feel WEIRD.
3. As said earlier, your surroundings can affect you or cost your life. Strong winds means you have to slow down, otherwise your bike will be unbalance. Rain is also dangerous, as it makes the road slippery, meaning that you have to either slow down, or slow RIGHT down, a.k.a stop completely. This will also slow down your progress to a particular destination.
4. Also, big vehicles like buses and trucks/lorrys can be dangerous as well. I'm not sure if it's me or the drivers of these vehicles, but big vehicles like these can now go very fast, even with a heavy load. So, when they go past you, it's like a big wave pushing you aside. THAT is also dangerous.
5. Of course, there's no need for me to stress on this. It is dangerous, because you're riding on two wheels, and going at 80km/h, a slight contact from any vehicle at all, can make you wish you were never born.

Having said all these, even though there are more cons than pros, I STILL love riding motorbike, 'cause it's FUN. Well, hence the title. ;D

Ps: Speaking of which, there is a record that I would never break. 18 minutes from Ipoh to Kampar, at _ _ _km/h, UNDER.THE.RAIN. I'll leave you to guess what are the blanks, and who is he (clue). He's among the list of "Fellow Bloggers" on your left. But man, he's sure a daredevil. He gets my vote for "Ghost Rider".

(Daredevil when reading this: "GG! Ahhaha. I'm going to kill him when I come back!)

"I mean, what happened? Did your b**** dropped off? Hmm? You see, a guy like me..."




Mikey said...

Wait for it!!!

Mikey said...

Be careful, know when to speed, when to slow down, calculate ur motor capability, braking distance, gear ratio, and regularly maintain the motor =)

Speeding is nice, but i wouldn't wan to see u next on the list to see Edward...

Take care bro!!!

Unknown said...

not me, hahahaha

GeneGoh said...

ahhaha I know.. thanks for advice. ;) Hope things are fine with you, and don't kill me ya! hehe.

Mikey said...

Yet to be confirm what to do with you... ah hahaha ha haha haha ha ah ho heh heh aha ah ho hii ha haha

"You know how i get these scars, hmm?"

GeneGoh said...

Ahhahaha.. I'm "scared"... lolx