Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just do it.

To be or not to be
That is the question.

To do or not to do
That is the question.

To eat or not to eat
That is the question.

To drink or not to drink
That is the question

To read or not to read
That is the question.

To study or not to study
That is the question.

To work hard or not to work hard
That is the question.

To procrastinate or not to procrastinate
That is the question.

To play or not to play
That is the question.

To drive or not to drive
That is the question.

To walk or not to walk
That is the question

To go on with this never ending crap or not to go on with this never ending crap
That is the question.

But whatever it may be
For crying out loud
Whether to do it or not to do it
Make up your own damn mind and



Chew Shu Yi, Shirley said...

To comment or not to comment? To comment.

GeneGoh said...

Haha nice one ShuYi. =)