Saturday, January 30, 2010

Crazy Week...

Phew... Two crazy weeks has passed. Well, this week is specially crazy, 'cause I've never felt being this busy before. Full of plannings to think of, proposals to write, events to coordinate, and catching up with assignments. *takes a deep breath* ^^

What stood out of this entire week was the four committee meetings I had in TWO DAYS. Fancy that. My Debate committee met twice on Thursday, and twice on Friday, and like at LONG LAST, everything was finalised. Funny thing was, 3 of the 4 meetings were held without the chairman of this event. Ever heard of it? XP

Anyways, it's only week 2 but I'm already feeling the heat, but then again, I believe God works in His ways, and I'm sure He has a purpose for me to be involved in so many things. Ahh...

Question is: what can I expect out of the next 12 weeks? We'll see... ;)

To yOu: I'm sorry.


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