The concert was held in Syuen Hotel, but hell, concert is THE.WRONG.WORD. Worship session was more like it, or should I use the word "service"? Anyways, even though it wasn't from the original Hillsong band (they are in New York City now by the way. Yes, AMERICA people), still, it was still from Hillsong. Even though there were A.LOT of controversial issues, still it don't matter.
It also doesn't matter if the best wasn't there, and it doesn't matter if we only heard the second best (or that's how many people put it). It was still a team produced by Hillsong, consisting of multinationals like Canadians, Norwegians, Americans and of course from the locals (Sydney, Australia). And we're all here to worship the one and only God. =)
They did it almost like the "I Heart Revolution" style, though starting the worship with "Your Name High". It was then followed by "What The World Will Never Take", "Tell The World", "Hosanna", "None But Jesus", "From The Inside Out", and other songs including "Take It All", "You Come", "More Than Anything", "King of All Days", "Yours Forever" and end the entire session with "One Way".
Why I bothered listing all the songs they sang yestreday was because I never thought I would have the opportunity to HEAR.IT.UP.CLOSE. Man, even their introduction clip was awesome! In case you don't know, I'm the kind of person who loves music, and when I heard the songs of the old and new (well not so new anymore I guess =p), I praise God they came down. However, not only did I hear it up close, but it was also an opportunity to praise and worship God again. It's been a long time. =)
Anyways, they'll be there again tonight (Thursday night 12/08/10) so if you want to experience it, do join! =)
Reminded me of Passion 2008. =D
Man, wish i was there...
Haha same. Wish you and John went. Although many criticised that it was like a performance, personally I think it's more of understanding how Hillsong "operates" when they're on stage. Enjoyed it really. =)
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